
The pace of technological change, the rise of a multipolar and interconnected world, and the challenges of climate change are disrupting the government’s agendas. As a reaction, this may lead to a focus on issues that are closer in time and space.

In a reality stuck in the present, we urge governments at any level, society and purpose-driven businesses to join forces and rethink the key aspect of the world as we know it.

The people’s participation in public decision making, the way public policy is designed and delivered and the whole idea of growth and prosperity need a twist. We need to face the age of AI and global challenges without losing the angle of public value creation.

The international community of GovTech will gather in Milan to rethink democracy, policy and growth and create the conditions to make new things happen.


GovTech Expo

Discover the most innovative technologies from corporates and govtech startups who will exhibit during the forum.

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Two days of inspirational speeches, workshops, and powerful ideas to rethink society through a transformative public sector. We also host talks, but we love to think and do. The GovTech Forum is a platform where a community of practice and intent gathers.

GovTechForum Agenda Day 1 March 13

12:00 - 13:00 Registration
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch & networking
14:00 - 14:20 Opening & Institutional welcoming

Marcello Coppa, Feel
Layla Pavone, Milano City Council

14:30 - 16:30 Workshops (in parallel)

WS1: Turismo & Made in Italy (ITA)
WS2: Ecosistema Digitale Urbano di Milano  (ITA)
WS3: Designing inclusive public services in the era of AI
E-Justice (invite only - ITA)

16:45 - 17:45 Keynotes

Innovating Government: Lessons from Leading Smart Initiatives - Stephen Goldsmith, Bloomberg Center for Cities at Harvard University
10 ideas for Italy - Gianluca Galletto

Beyond inner and rural areas -
Mariella Stella, Milano Bicocca University & Netural Coop

17:45 - 18:1 5 Panel discussions

Beyond the city: Multilevel and supra-municipal governance models for GovTech
Guido Arnone, Milano City Council
Giovanni Vetritto, PCM
Elena Gamberini, Andigel

Don't miss out the Govtech night on March 13th:
a networking night with a community of like minded GovTech enthusiasts.

GovTechForum Agenda Day 2 March 14

08:30 - 09:15 Registration
09:15 - 09:30 Welcome

Welcome by the host Region - Guido Guidesi, Lombardy Region

09:30 - 10:30 Keynotes:

Protecting public goods with activism and technology - Txai Suruí, Kanindé
Coalitions for change -
Federico Anghelé, The Good Lobby
Tech & participation -  
Ilaria Casillo, France Commission nationale du débat public

10:15 - 10:25  Interlude

10:30 - 12:30 Workshops (in parallel)

WS5: EU GovTech single market
WS6: Open innovation in the public system

12:35 - 12:45 Keynotes:

Technology to manage disaster - Enrico Gavagnin, Venice City Council

12:45 - 14:00 Networking lunch

14:00 - 16:00 Workshops (in parallel)

WS7: GovTech for the last billion
A Mediterranean agenda for GovTech & prosperity

16:10 - 17:50 Keynotes:

When science meets power - Geoff Mulgan, UCL
Building a public-interest tech stack - Indy Johar, Dark
Matters Lab
Towards EU digital platforms for citizens and businesses  - PagoPA
Policy in the age of disruptive technologies-
Leonardo Quattrucci, Science Po
Navigating the smart land  frontier -
Andrea Landini, Feel

17:50 - 18:00 Closing remarks

Simone De Battisti, Feel

Ready to participate?

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Missed the first GovTech Forum? 
Discover the panel and the main topics from the 2024 edition. Explore the keynote presentations from our top speakers to get the key insights of the previous forum.


Geoff Mulgan


University College London
Prof. of Collective Intelligence, Public Policy and Social Innov.

Guido Arnone


Milano City Council

Indy Johar


Dark Matter Labs
Executive Director

Layla Pavone


Milano CIty Council
Board for Tech Innovation & Digital Transformation coordinator

Federico Anghelè


The Good Lobby Italia

Chiara Carlini


Head of startup ecosystem

Gianluca Galletto

Gianluca Galletto

Urban Tech Expert, PP Exec.
Former Advisor to the Mayor of NYC on Tech and Innovation

Massimo Carnelos

Marina Manzoni

European Commission
EU Policy Officer

Leonardo Quattrucci

Leonardo Quattrucci

Sciences Po
Advisor for governments, startups and business o technology and policies

Giacomo Biraghi


City quitter

Stefanos Kotoglou


European Commission
Programme Officer

Guido Guidesi


Lombardy Region
Councillor for Economic Development

Stephen Goldsmith

Stephen Goldsmith

Harvard Kennedy School
Professor of Urban Policy

Elena Gamberini

⁠⁠Elena Gamberini

Vice President

Saverio Mucci

Saverio Mucci

Vice President

Mariella Stella

Mariella Stella

Milano Bicocca University
Phd student in New Public Administration & Netural Coop

Giovanni Vetritto

Giovanni Vetritto

Presidency of the Council of Ministers
General manager

Ibrahim Koran

Ibrahim Köran

Heliad AG
Head of GovTech

Txai Surui


Climate activits

Alessandra Priante

Alessandra Priante


Giovanna Mavellia

Giovanna Mavellia

Confcommercio Lombardia
General secretary

Tamara Srzentic

Tamara Srzentic

Government of Montenegro
Minister of Public Administration, Digital Society and Media

Luca Tangi

Luca Tangi

European Commission
Project Officer

Enrico Gavagnin

Enrico Gavagnin

Venice City Council
Councilor for participatory urban security

Francesco Cerruti

Francesco Cerruti

Italian Tech Alliance
General Director

Andrea Landini

Andrea Landini


Marina Manzoni

Marcello Coppa


Enrico Gavagnin

De Battisti


Reserve your seat

The event is aimed at policymakers, technological innovators and public administrations in Italy and around the world.

Participation is free of charge for those coming from the public sector and for citizens under the age of 25.

Ready to participate?

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Thought Leadership

Join the debate on how to innovate in govtech together with the protagonists on the Forum stage.

Stakeholder engagement

Develop and strengthen your connections and grow your relationships and business.


Share a vision, design meaningful projects, build coalitions for change and mobile resources.

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Our ecosystem

Partners: Mastercard, pagoPA Technical partner: Milano LUiss Hub. Ecosystem enablers: Public, InnovUp, Milano smarti City Alliance And Italian Tech alliance. Istitutional partners: Patrocinio Comune di Milano, Regione Lombardia, COn il patrocinio della Conferenza delle regioni e delle provincie autonome, con il patrocinio di Anci, PAC - Parlamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean e Anitec-Assinform

2024 edition: memories

Relive the 2024 edition

Visit Govtech Forum 24
GovTechForum speakers 2024

#connections #inspiration #policyworkshops #thoughtleadership #community #design #proposerity #empowerment  #smartcities #urbanai #globalagenda

Who we are


We are an operational think tank on GovTech and innovation in the public system.

We believe that public institutions can lead human progress, explore new frontiers, enable the innovators, and mobilize the resources needed to address the challenges we are facing as citizens and businesses - from systemic implications to daily life - positively shaping the digital transformation that is taking place.

Feel is a space to feel, imagine and decode innovation for public  goods and services.

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